March 11, 2011

I want to be her!

I am  totally, completely, irrevocably in love with this site! Andre Linett is currently the Creative Director of ebay fashion and with the help of her very talented illustrator slash friend, Anne Johnston Albert, has tapped into one of the everyday woman's deep dark secret. We are an envious nature by breed. However the site celebrates this facet of women and highlights what may be misconstrued as envy, to be what truly is admiration. With this the site there lies links to either the same exact item that you can quest your inner yearnings with or something very very similar. Many of times I have clicked on such links and have found the item to be an exact replica of what was shown or more impressively what was drawn. Somehow, in a clear concise manner, these ladies manage to celebrate what we inherently think everyday, feel, and react to in just an image and a few short clicks. It is a highly recommended click away!!

Time on my hands....

I used to never be very good at being idle. I always had to find something to get myself in trouble with. Lately though it seems any amount of down time I have I want to do nothing. I mean nothing....lay like broccoli.

I happened upon this image/caption and I couldn't wait to post it. I mean a real life size knitted Ferrari!! I mean what will people come up with next?

I know!! - crochet a smart car!!!

................I can barely sew a straight seam.....

*image via craftzine