August 10, 2010

Bookclub Bookworm: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

A timeless story of the wanderlust that possesses a young man to pursue his destiny in a dreamlike state he calls everyday life. The protagonist, a shepard, is defined in life as unconventional. He doesn't heed the word of his father and builds a life around the flock he guards. In an epic meeting he is swayed to leave the life he has built to pursue another one that awaits him. On this journey the boy - identified as such for his changeling time in life in which he grows into the man he ultimately became - discovers new trade skills, the light and dark side of man and the strength of belief. This was a beautiful book that binds religion - without becoming preach-ish, spirituality without becoming too Oprah-ish and lessons learned without becoming too after school special-ish.

“Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.”

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