May 12, 2010

Risky Business

The art of dressing for work has always been a balancing act for me. I think it's because of all the restrictions. Things you should wear versus things you shouldn't. Even now, in my current employment of casual dress code, it's still tricky. Perhaps it's because I'm constantly aware that even if the dress code is casual - what you wear carries a message about yourself whether or not you intended it to. So when I found this vest at Forever21 I was ecstatic that it could work as both as day wear as well as night. Encompassing the now hot menswear trend it tapers nicely from the luxe lapels to the one button closure. Its long enough so there are no embarrassing midriff flashes when reaching for a file and still has the attractive appeal of current trends. My favorite being the tabbed shoulders - reminiscent of the military wear dotting the streets these days.

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